Basis Sets

The procedure of constructing a Gaussian-type basis set can fundamentally break down into several basic steps: first, make primitive Gaussian-type orbitals (GTO) using a set of parameters, then construct the basis functions from the linear combinations of those orbitals, finally build the basis set.

The data structures defined by Quiqbox in each step, form levels of data complexity. They can be summarized in the following table.

levelobjectivecontainer typetype examples
4basis setArray, Tuple, GTBasisVector{<:BasisFunc{Float64, 3}}, GTBasis{Float64, 3, 2}...
3basis functionGTBasisFuncsBasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 6}, Quiqbox.BasisFuncMix{Float64, 3, 2}...
2Gaussian-type functionAbstractGaussFuncGaussFunc{Float64, iT, iT}...
1tunable parameterParamBox, SpatialPointParamBox{Float64, :α, iT}, SpatialPoint{Float64, 3, P3D{Float64, iT, iT, iT}}...

Depending on how much control the user wants to have over each step, Quiqbox defines several methods of related functions to provide the freedom of balancing between efficiency and customizability.

Below are some examples from the simplest way to more flexible ways of constructing a basis set in Quiqbox. Hopefully, these use cases can also work as inspirations for more creative ways to customize basis sets.

Basis set construction

Constructing basis sets from existing basis sets

First, you can construct an atomic basis set at one coordinate by inputting its center coordinate, the basis set name and the corresponding atom symbol.

julia> bsO = Quiqbox.genBasisFunc(fill(1.0, 3), "STO-3G", "O");

julia> bsO[begin]
BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 3, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)][X⁰Y⁰Z⁰]

julia> bsO[end]
BasisFuncs{Float64, 3, 1, 3, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)][3/3]

Notice that in the returned bsO there are two types of elements: BasisFunc and BasisFuncs. BasisFunc is the most basic DataType to hold the data of a basis function; BasisFuncs is very similar except it may hold multiple orbitals with only the spherical harmonics $Y_{ml}$ being different when the orbital angular momentum $l>0$.

Unit system

Hartree atomic units are the unit system used in Quiqbox.

If you want to postpone the specification of the center, you can replace the first argument with missing, then use the function assignCenInVal! to assign the coordinates later.

julia> bsO = genBasisFunc(missing, "STO-3G", "O");

julia> [assignCenInVal!(b, fill(1.0, 3)) for b in bsO]
3-element Vector{SpatialPoint{Float64, 3, Tuple{ParamBox{Float64, :X, typeof(itself)}, ParamBox{Float64, :Y, typeof(itself)}, ParamBox{Float64, :Z, typeof(itself)}}}}:
 SpatialPoint{Float64, …}{0, 0, 0}[∂∂∂][(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]
 SpatialPoint{Float64, …}{0, 0, 0}[∂∂∂][(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]
 SpatialPoint{Float64, …}{0, 0, 0}[∂∂∂][(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]

If you omit the atom in the arguments, "H" will be set in default. Notice that even though there's only one single basis function in H's STO-3G basis set, the returned value is still a Vector.

julia> bsH_1 = genBasisFunc([-0.5, 0, 0], "STO-3G")
1-element Vector{BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 3, Tuple{ParamBox{Float64, :X, typeof(itself)}, ParamBox{Float64, :Y, typeof(itself)}, ParamBox{Float64, :Z, typeof(itself)}}}}:
 BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 3, …}{0, 0, 0}[(-0.5, 0.0, 0.0)][X⁰Y⁰Z⁰]

julia> bsH_2 = genBasisFunc([ 0.5, 0, 0], "STO-3G")
1-element Vector{BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 3, Tuple{ParamBox{Float64, :X, typeof(itself)}, ParamBox{Float64, :Y, typeof(itself)}, ParamBox{Float64, :Z, typeof(itself)}}}}:
 BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 3, …}{0, 0, 0}[(0.5, 0.0, 0.0)][X⁰Y⁰Z⁰]

Finally, you can use Quiqbox's included tool function flatten to merge the three atomic basis sets into one molecular basis set:

julia> bsH2O = [bsO, bsH_1, bsH_2] |> flatten;

Not simple enough? Here's a more compact way of realizing the above steps if you are familiar with Julia's vectorization syntactic sugars:

julia> cens = [fill(1.0,3), [-0.5,0,0], [0.5,0,0]];

julia> bsH2O_2 = genBasisFunc.(cens, "STO-3G", ["O", "H", "H"]) |> flatten;

In quiqbox, the user can often deal with several multi-layer containers (mainly structs). It might be easy to get lost or unsure about whether the objects are created as intended. Quiqbox provides another tool function hasEqual that lets you verify if two objects hold the same-valued data and have the same structure. For example, if we want to see whether bsH2O_2 created in the faster way is the same (not necessarily identical) as bsH2O, we can do as follows:

julia> hasEqual(bsH2O, bsH2O_2)

If the basis set you want to use is not pre-stored in Quiqbox, you can use genBFuncsFromText to generate the basis set from a Gaussian format String:

julia> genBasisFunc(missing, "6-31G", "Kr")
       # Data from https://www.basissetexchange.orgERROR: KeyError: key "Kr" not found
julia> txt_Kr_631G = """ Kr 0 S 6 1.00 0.1205524000D+06 0.1714050000D-02 0.1810225000D+05 0.1313805000D-01 0.4124126000D+04 0.6490006000D-01 0.1163472000D+04 0.2265185000D+00 0.3734612000D+03 0.4764961000D+00 0.1280897000D+03 0.3591952000D+00 SP 6 1.00 0.2634681000D+04 0.2225111000D-02 0.3761911000D-02 0.6284533000D+03 0.2971122000D-01 0.2977531000D-01 0.2047081000D+03 0.1253926000D+00 0.1311878000D+00 0.7790827000D+02 0.1947058000D-02 0.3425019000D+00 0.3213816000D+02 -0.5987388000D+00 0.4644938000D+00 0.1341845000D+02 -0.4958972000D+00 0.2087284000D+00 SP 6 1.00 0.1175107000D+03 -0.6157662000D-02 -0.6922855000D-02 0.4152553000D+02 0.5464841000D-01 -0.3069239000D-01 0.1765290000D+02 0.2706994000D+00 0.4480260000D-01 0.7818313000D+01 -0.1426136000D+00 0.3636775000D+00 0.3571775000D+01 -0.7216781000D+00 0.4952412000D+00 0.1623750000D+01 -0.3412008000D+00 0.2086340000D+00 SP 3 1.00 0.2374560000D+01 0.3251184000D+00 -0.3009554000D-01 0.8691930000D+00 -0.2141533000D+00 0.3598893000D+00 0.3474730000D+00 -0.9755083000D+00 0.7103098000D+00 SP 1 1.00 0.1264790000D+00 0.1000000000D+01 0.1000000000D+01 D 3 1.00 0.6853888000D+02 0.7530705000D-01 0.1914333000D+02 0.3673551000D+00 0.6251213000D+01 0.7120146000D+00 D 1 1.00 0.1979236000D+01 1.0000000 """;
julia> genBFuncsFromText(txt_Kr_631G, adjustContent=true);

Constructing basis sets from GaussFunc

If you want to specify the parameters of each basis function when constructing a basis set, you can first construct the container for primitive GTO: GaussFunc, and then construct the basis function from them:

julia> gf1 = GaussFunc(2.0, 1.0)
GaussFunc{Float64, …}{0, 0}[∂∂][{2.0, 1.0}]

julia> gf2 = GaussFunc(2.5, 0.75)
GaussFunc{Float64, …}{0, 0}[∂∂][{2.5, 0.75}]

julia> bf1 = genBasisFunc([1.0, 0, 0], [gf1, gf2])
BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 2, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)][X⁰Y⁰Z⁰]

Unlike BasisFunc, there's no additional constructor function for GaussFunc. As for the method of genBasisFunc in this case, the subshell is set to "s" as the default option since the third argument is omitted. You can construct a BasisFuncs which contains all the orbitals within one specified subshell:

julia> bf2 = genBasisFunc([1.0, 0, 0], [gf1, gf2], "p")
BasisFuncs{Float64, 3, 1, 2, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)][3/3]

You can even select one or few orbitals to keep by specifying the corresponding orbital angular momentums in the Cartesian representation using NTuple{3, Int}:

julia> bf3 = genBasisFunc([1.0, 0, 0], [gf1, gf2], (1,0,0))
BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 1, 2, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)][X¹Y⁰Z⁰]

julia> bf4 = genBasisFunc([1.0, 0, 0], [gf1, gf2], [(1,0,0), (0,0,1)])
BasisFuncs{Float64, 3, 1, 2, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)][2/3]

Again, if you want a faster solution, you can directly define the exponent coefficients and the contraction coefficients separately in a 2-element Tuple as the second argument of genBasisFunc:

julia> bf5 = genBasisFunc([1.0, 0, 0], ([2.0, 2.5], [1.0, 0.75]), [(1,0,0), (0,0,1)]);

julia> hasEqual(bf4, bf5)

Constructing basis sets based on ParamBox

Sometimes you may want the parameters of basis functions (or GaussFunc) to be under some constraints (which can be crucial for the later basis set optimization), this is when you need a deeper level of control over the parameters, through its direct container: ParamBox. In fact, in the above example, we have already had a glimpse of it through the printed info in the REPL:

julia> gf1
GaussFunc{Float64, …}{0, 0}[∂∂][{2.0, 1.0}]

The two fields of a GaussFunc, .xpn, and .con are ParamBox, and their input value (i.e. the value of the input variable) can be accessed through syntax []:

julia> gf1.xpn
ParamBox{Float64, :α, …}{0}[∂][α]⟦=⟧[2.0]

julia> gf1.con
ParamBox{Float64, :d, …}{0}[∂][d]⟦=⟧[1.0]

julia> gf1.xpn[]

julia> gf1.con[]

Since the data are not directly stored in primitive types but rather inside ParamBox, this allows the shallow copy of a ParamBox to share the same underlying data:

julia> gf3 = GaussFunc(1.1, 1.0);

julia> gf3_2 = gf3; # Direct assignment

julia> bf6 = genBasisFunc([1.0, 0, 0], fill(gf3, 2)); # Shallow copy is performed when using `fill`

julia> bf6.gauss[1].xpn[] *= 2;

julia> gf3_2.xpn[] == gf3.xpn[] == bf6.gauss[2].xpn[] == 2.2

Based on such feature of ParamBox, the user can, for instance, create a basis set that enforces all the GaussFuncs to have identical gaussian function parameters:

julia> gf4 = GaussFunc(2.5, 0.5);

julia> bs7 = genBasisFunc.([[0.0, 0.1, 0.0], [1.4, 0.3, 0.0]], Ref(gf4));

julia> markParams!(bs7)
10-element Vector{ParamBox{Float64, V, typeof(itself)} where V}:
 ParamBox{Float64, :X, …}{0}[∂][X₁]⟦=⟧[0.0]
 ParamBox{Float64, :Y, …}{0}[∂][Y₁]⟦=⟧[0.1]
 ParamBox{Float64, :Z, …}{0}[∂][Z₁]⟦=⟧[0.0]
 ParamBox{Float64, :α, …}{0}[∂][α₁]⟦=⟧[2.5]
 ParamBox{Float64, :d, …}{0}[∂][d₁]⟦=⟧[0.5]
 ParamBox{Float64, :X, …}{0}[∂][X₂]⟦=⟧[1.4]
 ParamBox{Float64, :Y, …}{0}[∂][Y₂]⟦=⟧[0.3]
 ParamBox{Float64, :Z, …}{0}[∂][Z₂]⟦=⟧[0.0]
 ParamBox{Float64, :α, …}{0}[∂][α₁]⟦=⟧[2.5]
 ParamBox{Float64, :d, …}{0}[∂][d₁]⟦=⟧[0.5]

markParams! marks all the parameters of a given basis set. Even though bs7 has two GaussFuncs as basis functions, overall it only has one unique coefficient exponent $\alpha_1$ and one unique contraction coefficient $d_1$ besides the center coordinates.

Dependent variable as a parameter

Another control the user have on the parameters in Quiqbox is through a ParamBox represent a variable equal to the returned value of a mapping function taking the data value stored in the ParamBox as the input argument. In other words, the data stored in the ParamBox is an "input variable", while the represented variable is an "output variable".

Such a mapping function is stored in the map field of the ParamBox (which normally is an $R \to R$ mapping). The "output value" can be accessed through syntax (). In default, the input variable is mapped to an output variable that has the identical value:

julia> pb1 = gf4.xpn
ParamBox{Float64, :α, …}{0}[∂][α₁]⟦=⟧[2.5]

itself (generic function with 1 method)

julia> pb1[] === pb1()
Parameter represented by `ParamBox`

The output variable of a ParamBox is always used in the construction of any basis function component. To optimize the input variable stored in an arbitrary ParamBox pb, pb needs to be marked as "differentiable" (i.e., isDiffParam(pb)==true). For more information on parameter optimization, please see the docstring of optimizeParams! and section Parameter Optimization.

Linear combinations of basis functions

Apart from the flexible control of basis function parameters, another major feature of Quiqbox is the ability to construct a basis function from the linear combination of other basis functions. Specifically, additional methods of + and * (operator syntax for add and mul) are implemented for CompositeGTBasisFuncs:

julia> bf7 = genBasisFunc([1.0, 0.0, 1.0], (1.5, 3.0))
BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 1, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)][X⁰Y⁰Z⁰]

julia> bf8 = genBasisFunc([1.0, 0.0, 1.0], (2.0, 4.0))
BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 1, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)][X⁰Y⁰Z⁰]

julia> bf9 = bf7*0.5 + bf8
BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 2, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 0.0, 1.0)][X⁰Y⁰Z⁰]

julia> bf9.gauss[1].con() == 3 * 0.5

As we can see, the type of bf9 is still BasisFunc, hence all the GTO inside bf9 have the same center coordinates as well. This is because bf7 and bf8 have the same center coordinates. What if the combined basis functions are multi-center?

julia> bf10 = genBasisFunc(fill(1.0, 3), (1.2, 3.0))BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 1, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)][X⁰Y⁰Z⁰]
julia> bf11 = bf8 + bf10Quiqbox.BasisFuncMix{Float64, 3, 2, BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 0, 1, Tuple{Vararg{ParamBox{…}}}}}

The type of bf11 is called Quiqbox.BasisFuncMix, which means it cannot be expressed as a single contracted Gaussian-type orbital (CGTO) as it is a mixed-contracted GTO (MCGTO).

There are other cases that can result in a BasisFuncMix as the returned object. For example:

julia> bf12 = genBasisFunc(fill(1.0, 3), (1.2, 3.0), (1,1,0))BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 2, 1, …}{0, 0, 0}[(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)][X¹Y¹Z⁰]
julia> bf10 + bf12Quiqbox.BasisFuncMix{Float64, 3, 2, BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 𝑙, 1, Tuple{Vararg{ParamBox{…}}}} where 𝑙}

In Quiqbox, BasisFuncMix is also accepted as a valid basis function and the user can use it to call functions that accept CompositeGTBasisFuncs as input argument(s):

julia> overlap(bf11, bf11)35.643266036037474