Core Functions

Quiqbox.getCharge β€” Method
getCharge(nucs::Union{AbstractVector{String}, Tuple{Vararg{String}}}) -> Int

Return the total electric charge (in 𝑒) of the input nuclei.

Quiqbox.orbitalLin β€” Function
orbitalLin(subshell::String, D::Int=3) -> Tuple{Vararg{NTuple{3, Int}}}

Return all the possible angular momentum configuration(s) within the input subshell of D dimension.

Quiqbox.changeMapping β€” Method
changeMapping(pb::ParamBox{T, V}, mapFunction::Function=itself, outSym::Symbol=V; 
              canDiff::Union{Bool, Array{Bool, 0}}=isDiffParam(pb)) where {T, V} -> 
ParamBox{T, outSym}

Change the mapping function of pb. The symbol of the output variable of the returned ParamBox can be specified by outSym, and its differentiability is determined by canDiff.

Quiqbox.dataOf β€” Method
dataOf(pb::ParamBox{T}) where {T} -> Pair{Array{T, 0}, Symbol}

Return the Pair of the input variable and its symbol.

Quiqbox.inSymOf β€” Method
inSymOf(pb::ParamBox) -> Symbol

Return the symbol of the input variable of pb.

Quiqbox.inValOf β€” Method
inValOf(pb::ParamBox{T}) where {T} -> T

Return the value of the input variable of pb. Equivalent to pb[].

Quiqbox.indVarOf β€” Method
indVarOf(pb::ParamBox{T}) -> Pair{}

Return (the name and the value of) the independent variable tied to pb. Specifically, return the input variable stored in pb when pb is marked as differentiable; return the output variable of pb when pb is marked as non-differentiable. Thus, it is the variable pb represents to differentiate any (differentiable) function of ParamBoxes.

Quiqbox.isDiffParam β€” Method
isDiffParam(pb::ParamBox) -> Bool

Return the Boolean value of whether pb is differentiable with respect to its input variable.

Quiqbox.isInSymEqual β€” Method
isInSymEqual(pb::ParamBox, sym::Symbol) -> Bool

Return the Boolean value of whether the symbol of pb's input variable equals sym.

Quiqbox.isOutSymEqual β€” Method
isOutSymEqual(::ParamBox, sym::Symbol) -> Bool

Return the Boolean value of whether the symbol of pb's output variable equals sym.

Quiqbox.mapOf β€” Method
mapOf(pb::ParamBox) -> Function

Return the mapping function of pb.

Quiqbox.outSymOf β€” Method
outSymOf(pb::ParamBox) -> Symbol

Return the symbol of the output variable of pb.

Quiqbox.outValCopy β€” Method
outValCopy(pb::ParamBox{T, V}) where {T} -> ParamBox{T, V, typeof(itself)}

Return a new ParamBox of which the input variable's value is equal to the output variable's value of pb.

Quiqbox.outValOf β€” Method
outValOf(pb::ParamBox) -> Number

Return the value of the output variable of pb. Equivalent to pb().

Quiqbox.toggleDiff! β€” Method
toggleDiff!(pb::ParamBox) -> Bool

Toggle the differentiability of the input pb and then return the updated boolean value.

Quiqbox.absorbNormFactor β€” Method
absorbNormFactor(b::BasisFunc{T, 3, 𝑙, GN, PT}) where {T, 𝑙, GN, PT} -> 
FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, 3, 𝑙, GN, PT}

absorbNormFactor(b::BasisFuncs{T, 3, 𝑙, GN, PT}) where {T, 𝑙, GN, PT} -> 
Vector{<:FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, 3, 𝑙, GN, PT}}

If hasNormFactor(b) == true, absorb the normalization factor of each Gaussian-type orbital inside b into the orbital's corresponding contraction coefficient and then set .normalizeGTO of b to false. Otherwise, directly return b when it's a BasisFunc, or [b] when it's a BasisFuncs.

Quiqbox.absorbNormFactor β€” Method
absorbNormFactor(bfm::BasisFuncMix{T, 3}) where {T} -> GTBasisFuncs{T, 3}

Apply absorbNormFactor to every one of the BasisFunc inside bfm and them sum them over.

Quiqbox.absorbNormFactor β€” Method
absorbNormFactor(bs::AbstractVector{<:GTBasisFuncs{T, 3}}) where {T} -> 
AbstractVector{<:GTBasisFuncs{T, 3}}

absorbNormFactor(bs::Tuple{Vararg{GTBasisFuncs{T, 3}}}) where {T} -> 
Tuple{Vararg{GTBasisFuncs{T, 3}}}

Apply absorbNormFactor to every element inside bs.

Quiqbox.add β€” Method
add(b1::CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}, 
    b2::CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}; 
    roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 
CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}

Addition between two CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1} such as BasisFunc and BasisFuncMix. roundAtol specifies the absolute approximation tolerance of comparing parameters stored in each CompositeGTBasisFuncs to determine whether they are treated as "equal"; each parameter in the returned CompositeGTBasisFuncs is set to the nearest exact multiple of 0.5atol. When roundAtol is set to NaN, there will be no approximation nor rounding. This function can be called using + syntax with the keyword argument set to it default value.

NOTE: For the ParamBox (stored in the input arguments) that are marked as non-differentiable, they will be fused together if possible to generate new ParamBox(s) no longer linked to the input variable stored in them.

≑≑≑ Example(s) ≑≑≑

julia> bf1 = genBasisFunc([1.,1.,1.], (2.,1.));

julia> bf2 = genBasisFunc([1.,1.,1.], (2.,2.));

julia> bf3 = bf1 + bf2;

julia> bf3.gauss[1].con() == bf1.gauss[1].con() + bf2.gauss[1].con()
Quiqbox.assignCenInVal! β€” Method
assignCenInVal!(b::FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}, center::AbstractVector{<:Real}) -> 
SpatialPoint{T, D}

Change the input value of the ParamBox stored in (meaning the output value will also change according to the mapping function). Then, return the altered center.

Quiqbox.centerCoordOf β€” Method
centerCoordOf(bf::FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T}) where {T} -> Vector{T}

Return the center coordinate of the input FloatingGTBasisFuncs.

Quiqbox.centerNumOf β€” Method
centerNumOf(bf::CompositeGTBasisFuncs) -> Int

Return the number of center (coordinates) associated with the input CompositeGTBasisFuncs.

Quiqbox.centerOf β€” Method
centerOf(bf::FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}) where {T, D} -> SpatialPoint{T, D}

Return the center of the input FloatingGTBasisFuncs.

Quiqbox.copyBasis β€” Function
copyBasis(b::GaussFunc, copyOutVal::Bool=true) -> GaussFunc

copyBasis(b::CompositeGTBasisFuncs, copyOutVal::Bool=true) -> CompositeGTBasisFuncs

Return a copy of the input basis. If copyOutVal is set to true, then only the output value(s) of the ParamBox(s) stored in b will be copied, i.e., outValCopy is used, otherwise fullVarCopy is used.

≑≑≑ Example(s) ≑≑≑

julia> f(x)=x^2; e = genExponent(3.0, f)
ParamBox{Float64, :Ξ±, …}{1}[𝛛][x_Ξ±]βŸ¦β†’βŸ§[9.0]

julia> c = genContraction(2.0)
ParamBox{Float64, :d, …}{0}[βˆ‚][d]⟦=⟧[2.0]

julia> gf1 = GaussFunc(e, c);

julia> gf2 = copyBasis(gf1)
GaussFunc{Float64, …}{0, 0}[βˆ‚βˆ‚][{9.0, 2.0}]

julia> gf1.xpn() == gf2.xpn()

julia> (gf1.xpn[] |> == gf2.xpn[]
Quiqbox.decompose β€” Function
decompose(bf::CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D}, splitGaussFunc::Bool=false) -> 
Matrix{<:BasisFunc{T, D}}

Decompose a CompositeGTBasisFuncs into a Matrix of BasisFuncs. The sum of each column represents one orbital of the input basis function(s). If splitGaussFunc is true, then each column consists of the BasisFuncs with only 1 GaussFunc.

Quiqbox.dimOf β€” Method
dimOf(::DimensionalParamContainer) -> Int

Return the spatial dimension of the input parameterized container such as AbstractSpatialPoint and QuiqboxBasis.

Quiqbox.gaussCoeffOf β€” Method
gaussCoeffOf(b::FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T}) -> Matrix{T}

Return the exponent and contraction coefficients of each GaussFunc (in each row of the returned Matrix) inside b.

Quiqbox.gaussCoeffOf β€” Method
gaussCoeffOf(gf::GaussFunc{T}) -> Matrix{T}

Return the exponent and contraction coefficients of gf.

Quiqbox.genBFuncsFromText β€” Method
                  excludeFirstNlines::Int=0, excludeLastNlines::Int=0, 
                                NTuple{D, T}, 
                                NTuple{D, ParamBox{T}}, 
                                SpatialPoint{T, D}, 
                                Missing}=(NaN, NaN, NaN), 
                  normalizeGTO::Union{Bool, Missing}=
                                ifelse(adjustContent, true, missing)) where 
                 {D, T<:AbstractFloat} -> 
Array{<:FloatingGTBasisFuncs, 1}

Generate a basis set from content which is either a basis set String in Gaussian format or the output from genBasisFuncText. For the former, adjustContent needs to be set to true. adjustFunction is only applied when adjustContent=true, which in default is a function used to detect and convert the format of the scientific notation in content.

excludeFirstNlines and excludeLastNlines are used to exclude first or last few lines of content if intended. center is used to assign a center coordinate for all the basis functions from content; when it's set to missing, it will try to read the center information in content, and leave the center as [NaN, NaN, Nan] if one cannot be found for each corresponding FloatingGTBasisFuncs. If unlinkCenter = true, the center of each FloatingGTBasisFuncs is a Base.deepcopy of the input center. Otherwise, they share the same underlying data so changing the value of one will affect others. If the center coordinate is included in content, it should be right above the subshell information for the FloatingGTBasisFuncs. E.g.:

X        1.0                          0.0                          0.0                   
S    1   1.0   false
         2.0                            1.0

Finally, normalizeGTO specifies the field .normalizeGTO of the generated FloatingGTBasisFuncs. If it's set to missing (in default), the normalization configuration of each FloatingGTBasisFuncs will depend on content, so different basis functions may have different normalization configurations. However, when it's set to a Bool value, .normalizeGTO of all the generated basis functions will be set to that value.

Quiqbox.genBasisFunc β€” Method
genBasisFunc(center::Union{AbstractVector{T}, Tuple{Vararg{T}}, SpatialPoint, Missing}, 
             args..., kws...) where {T<:Union{AbstractFloat, ParamBox}} -> 
Union{FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T}, Vector{<:FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T}}}

The constructor of FloatingGTBasisFuncs, but it also returns different kinds of collections (Vector) of them based on the input arguments. The first argument center specifies the center coordinate of the generated FloatingGTBasisFuncs, and can be left as missing for later assignment.

NOTE: Although not marked in the return types, if any allowed input argument can lead to a FloatingGTBasisFuncs with no GaussFunc stored inside of it, e.g., genBasisFunc([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], ()), a Quiqbox.EmptyBasisFunc will be generated instead.

≑≑≑ Method 1 ≑≑≑

genBasisFunc(center, GsOrCoeffs, Ls; normalizeGTO=false) -> 

=== Positional argument(s) ===

GsOrCoeffs::Union{ AbstractGaussFunc{T1}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractGaussFunc{T1}}, Tuple{Vararg{AbstractGaussFunc{T1}}}, NTuple{2, Union{T1, Array{T1, 0}, ParamBox{T1}}, NTuple{2, AbstractVector{<:Union{T1, Array{T1, 0}, ParamBox{T1}}}} } where {T1<:AbstractFloat}: A collection of concentric GaussFunc that will be used to construct the basis function. To simplify the procedure, it can also be in the form of a NTuple{2} of the exponent coefficient(s)::Union{AbstractFloat, AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}} and contraction coefficients::Union{AbstractFloat, AbstractVector{<:AbstractFloat}} of the GaussFunc(s) to be input.

Ls::Union{ T2, AbstractVector{T2}, NTuple{<:Any, T2} } where {T2<:Union{NTuple{D, Int}, LTuple{D}} where {D}}: A collection of at least one angular momentum configuration within the same subshell, in the Cartesian coordinate representation. E.g., for p shell it can be set to ((1,0,0), (0,1,0)). This will determine the number of spatial orbitals and their angular momentum respectively to be stored in the output FloatingGTBasisFuncs.

=== Keyword argument(s) ===

normalizeGTO::Bool: Determine whether the inside GaussFunc(s) will be normalized in the during the calculation.

=== Example(s) ===

julia> genBasisFunc([0.,0.,0.], GaussFunc(2., 1.), (0, 1, 0))
BasisFunc{Float64, 3, 1, 1, …}{0, 0, 0}[(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)][X⁰YΒΉZ⁰]

≑≑≑ Method 2 ≑≑≑

genBasisFunc(center, GsOrCoeffs, subshell="s"; normalizeGTO=false) -> 

genBasisFunc(center, GsOrCoeffs, subshell, lFilter; normalizeGTO=false) -> 

=== Positional argument(s) ===

subshell::Union{String, Symbol}: The third argument of the constructor can also be the name of a subshell, which will make sure the output is a BasisFuncs that contains the spatial orbitals that fully occupy the subshell.

lFilter::Tuple{Vararg{Bool}}: When this 4th argument is provided, it can determine the orbital(s) to be included based on the given subshell. The order of the corresponding orbital angular momentum(s) can be inspected using function orbitalLin.

=== Keyword argument(s) ===

normalizeGTO::Bool: Same as the one defined in method 1.

=== Example(s) ===

julia> genBasisFunc([0.,0.,0.], (2., 1.), "p")
BasisFuncs{Float64, 3, 1, 1, …}{0, 0, 0}[(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)][3/3]

julia> genBasisFunc([0.,0.,0.], (2., 1.5), "p", (true, false, true))
BasisFuncs{Float64, 3, 1, 1, …}{0, 0, 0}[(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)][2/3]

≑≑≑ Method 3 ≑≑≑

genBasisFunc(center, BSkey, atm="H"; unlinkCenter=false) -> 

=== Positional argument(s) ===

BSkey::String: The name of an existed atomic basis set. The supported options are in ["STO-2G", "STO-3G", "STO-6G", "3-21G", "6-31G", "cc-pVDZ", "cc-pVTZ", "cc-pVQZ"].

atm::Union{String, Symbol}: The name of the atom corresponding to the chosen basis set. The supported options are in ["H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C", "N", "O", "F", "Ne", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P", "S", "Cl", "Ar", "K", "Ca"].

=== Keyword argument(s) ===

unlinkCenter::Bool: Determine whether the centers of constructed FloatingGTBasisFuncs are linked to each other. If set to true, the center of each FloatingGTBasisFuncs is a Base.deepcopy of each other. Otherwise, they share the same underlying data so changing the value of one will affect others.

=== Example(s) ===

julia> genBasisFunc([0.,0.,0.], "6-31G");

julia> genBasisFunc([0.,0.,0.], "STO-3G", "Li");

≑≑≑ Method 4 ≑≑≑

genBasisFunc(b::FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}, newFieldVal) where {T, D} -> 
FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}

=== Positional argument(s) ===

newFieldVal::Union{ SpatialPoint{T, D}, Tuple{AbstractGaussFunc{T}, Vararg{AbstractGaussFunc{T}}}, Tuple{LTuple{D, 𝑙}, Vararg{LTuple{D, 𝑙}}} where 𝑙, Bool } where {T<:AbstractFloat, D}: Any one of the fields inside a FloatingGTBasisFuncs except param.

This method outputs a FloatingGTBasisFuncs that has identical fields as the input one except the field that can be replaced by newFieldVal (and param if the replaced field contains ParamBox).

=== Example(s) ===

julia> bf1 = genBasisFunc([1., 2., 3.], (2.0, 1.0), (0, 0, 0));

julia> bf2 = genBasisFunc([1., 2., 3.], (2.0, fill(1.0)), (0, 0, 1));

julia> bf1 = genBasisFunc(bf1, bf2.l);

julia> hasEqual(bf1, bf2)
Quiqbox.genBasisFuncText β€” Method
genBasisFuncText(bs::Union{AbstractVector{<:FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}, 
                           Tuple{Vararg{FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}}; 
                 norm::Real=1.0, printCenter::Bool=true, 
                 groupCenters::Bool=true, roundDigits::Int=-1) where {T, D} -> 

Generate the text of input basis set (consisting of FloatingGTBasisFuncs). norm is the additional normalization factor. groupCenters determines whether the function will group the basis functions with same center together.

Quiqbox.genBasisFuncText β€” Method
                 norm::Real=1.0, printCenter::Bool=true, roundDigits::Int=-1) -> String

Generate the text of input FloatingGTBasisFuncs. norm is the additional normalization factor. If printCenter is true, the center coordinate will be added to the first line of the output String. roundDigits specifies the rounding digits for the parameters inside bf; when set to negative, no rounding will be performed.

Quiqbox.genContraction β€” Method
genContraction(d::T, mapFunction::Function=itself; 
               canDiff::Bool=ifelse(FLevel(mapFunction)==FLevel{0}, false, true), 
               inSym::Symbol=x_d) where {T<:AbstractFloat} -> 
ParamBox{T, :d}

genContraction(d::Array{T, 0}, mapFunction::Function=itself; 
               canDiff::Bool=ifelse(FLevel(mapFunction)==FLevel{0}, false, true), 
               inSym::Symbol=x_d) where {T<:AbstractFloat} -> 
ParamBox{T, :d}

genContraction(dData::Pair{Array{T, 0}, Symbol}, 
               canDiff::Bool=ifelse(FLevel(mapFunction)==FLevel{0}, false, true)) where 
              {T<:AbstractFloat} -> 
ParamBox{T, :d}

Construct a contraction coefficient given a value or variable (with its symbol). mapFunction, canDiff, and inSym work the same way as in a general constructor of a ParamBox.

Quiqbox.genExponent β€” Method
genExponent(pb::ParamBox{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat} -> ParamBox{T, :Ξ±}

Convert a ParamBox to the container of an exponent coefficient.

Quiqbox.genExponent β€” Method
genExponent(e::T, mapFunction::Function=itself; 
            canDiff::Bool=ifelse(FLevel(mapFunction)==FLevel{0}, false, true), 
            inSym::Symbol=x_Ξ±) where {T<:AbstractFloat} -> 
ParamBox{T, :Ξ±}

genExponent(e::Array{T, 0}, mapFunction::Function=itself; 
            canDiff::Bool=ifelse(FLevel(mapFunction)==FLevel{0}, false, true), 
            inSym::Symbol=x_Ξ±) where {T<:AbstractFloat} -> 
ParamBox{T, :Ξ±}

genExponent(eData::Pair{Array{T, 0}, Symbol}, 
            canDiff::Bool=ifelse(FLevel(mapFunction)==FLevel{0}, false, true)) where 
           {T<:AbstractFloat} -> 
ParamBox{T, :Ξ±}

Construct an exponent coefficient given a value or variable (with its symbol). mapFunction, canDiff, and inSym work the same way as in a general constructor of a ParamBox.

Quiqbox.genSpatialPoint β€” Function
genSpatialPoint(point::Union{NTuple{D, Union{T, Array{T, 0}, ParamBox{T}}}, 
                marker::Symbol=:point) where {D, T<:AbstractFloat} -> 
SpatialPoint{T, D}

Construct a SpatialPoint from a collection of coordinate components. ≑≑≑ Example(s) ≑≑≑

julia> v1 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];

julia> p1 = genSpatialPoint(v1, :p1)
SpatialPoint{Float64, …}{0, 0, 0}[βˆ‚βˆ‚βˆ‚][(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)]

julia> p1.marker

julia> v2 = [fill(1.0), 2.0, 3.0];

julia> p2 = genSpatialPoint(v2); p2[1]
ParamBox{Float64, :X, …}{0}[βˆ‚][X]⟦=⟧[1.0]

julia> v2[1][] = 1.2

julia> p2[1]
ParamBox{Float64, :X, …}{0}[βˆ‚][X]⟦=⟧[1.2]
Quiqbox.genSpatialPoint β€” Method
genSpatialPoint(point::Union{Tuple{ParamBox{T}, Vararg{ParamBox{T}}}, 
                marker::Symbol=:point) where {T} -> 

Convert a collection of ParamBoxs to a SpatialPoint.

Quiqbox.genSpatialPoint β€” Method
genSpatialPoint(comp::T, compIndex::Int, 
                canDiff::Bool=ifelse(FLevel(mapFunction)==IL, false, true), 
                inSym::Symbol=(:x_X, :x_Y, :x_Z)[compIndex]) where {T<:AbstractFloat} -> 

genSpatialPoint(comp::Array{T, 0}, compIndex::Int, 
                canDiff::Bool=ifelse(FLevel(mapFunction)==IL, false, true), 
                inSym::Symbol=(:x_X, :x_Y, :x_Z)[compIndex]) where {T<:AbstractFloat} -> 

genSpatialPoint(compData::Pair{Array{T, 0}, Symbol}, compIndex::Int, 
                canDiff::Bool=ifelse(FLevel(mapFunction)==IL, false, true)) -> 

Construct a ParamBox as the compIndex th component of a SpatialPoint given a value or variable (with its symbol). mapFunction, canDiff, and inSym work the same way as in a general constructor of a ParamBox.

genSpatialPoint(point::ParamBox{T}, compIndex::Int) where {T<:AbstractFloat} -> 

Convert a ParamBox to the compIndex th component of a SpatialPoint.

≑≑≑ Example(s) ≑≑≑

julia> genSpatialPoint(1.2, 1)
ParamBox{Float64, :X, …}{0}[βˆ‚][X]⟦=⟧[1.2]

julia> pointY1 = fill(2.0);

julia> Y1 = genSpatialPoint(pointY1, 2)
ParamBox{Float64, :Y, …}{0}[βˆ‚][Y]⟦=⟧[2.0]

julia> pointY1[] = 1.5;

julia> Y1
ParamBox{Float64, :Y, …}{0}[βˆ‚][Y]⟦=⟧[1.5]
Quiqbox.getNormFactor β€” Method
getNormFactor(b::FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, 3}) where {T} -> Array{T}

Return the normalization factors of the Gaussian-type orbitals (GTO) inside the input b. Each column corresponds to one orbital.

Quiqbox.getParams β€” Function
getParams(pbc::ParamBox, symbol::Union{Symbol, Missing}=missing) -> 
Union{ParamBox, Nothing}

getParams(pbc::ParameterizedContainer, symbol::Union{Symbol, Missing}=missing) -> 

getParams(pbc::Union{AbstractArray{<:T}, Tuple{T, Vararg{T}}}, 
          symbol::Union{Symbol, Missing}=missing) where {T<:QuiqboxContainer} -> 

Return the parameter(s) stored in the input container. If symbol is set to missing, then return all the parameter(s). If it's set to a Symbol tied to a parameter, for example :α₁, the function will match any pb::ParamBox such that indVarOf(pb)[begin] == :α₁. If it's set to a Symbol without any subscript, for example :Ξ±, the function will match it with all the pbs such that string(indVarOf(pb)[begin]) contains 'Ξ±'. If the first argument is a collection, its entries must be ParamBox containers.

Quiqbox.hasNormFactor β€” Method
hasNormFactor(b::FloatingGTBasisFuncs) -> Bool

Indicate whether b' is be treated as having additional normalization factor(s) which its Gaussian-type orbital(s) will be multiplied by during any calculation.

Quiqbox.lOf β€” Method
lOf(::FloatingGTBasisFuncs) -> Int

Return the total orbital angular momentum quantum number (in Cartesian coordinate representation).

Quiqbox.markParams! β€” Method
markParams!(b::Union{AbstractVector{T}, T, Tuple{T, Vararg{T}}}, 
            filterMapping::Bool=false) where {T<:ParameterizedContainer} -> 

Mark the parameters (ParamBox) in b. The parameters that hold the same independent variable (in other words, considered identical in the differentiation procedure) will be marked with same index. filterMapping determines whether filtering out (i.e. not return) the extra ParamBoxes that hold the same independent variables but represent different output variables. The independent variable held by a ParamBox can be inspected using indVarOf.

Quiqbox.mergeBasisFuncsIn β€” Method
mergeBasisFuncsIn(bs::Union{AbstractVector{<:GTBasisFuncs{T, D}}, 
                            Tuple{Vararg{GTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}}; 
                  roundAtol::Real=NaN) where {T, D} -> 
Vector{<:GTBasisFuncs{T, D}}

Try merging multiple FloatingGTBasisFuncs (if there's any) in bs into FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, <:Any, <:Any, ON} where ON > 1 if possible and then return the resulted basis collection. If no merging is performed, then the returned collection is same as (but not necessarily identical to) bs.

Quiqbox.mul β€” Method
mul(a1::Real, a2::CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}; 
    normalizeGTO::Union{Bool, Missing}=missing, 
    roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 
CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}

mul(a1::CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}, a2::Real; 
    normalizeGTO::Union{Bool, Missing}=missing, 
    roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 
CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}

mul(a1::CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}, 
    a2::CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}; 
    normalizeGTO::Union{Bool, Missing}=missing, 
    roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 
CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}

Multiplication between two CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1} (e.g., BasisFunc and BasisFuncMix), or a Real number and a CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D, <:Any, 1}. If normalizeGTO is set to missing (in default), The GaussFunc inside the output containers will be normalized only if every input FloatingGTBasisFuncs (or inside the input CompositeGTBasisFuncs) holds hasNormFactor(ai) == true. roundAtol specifies the absolute approximation tolerance of comparing parameters stored in each CompositeGTBasisFuncs to determine whether they are treated as "equal"; each parameter in the returned CompositeGTBasisFuncs is set to the nearest exact multiple of 0.5atol. When roundAtol is set to NaN, there will be no approximation nor rounding. This function can be called using * syntax with the keyword argument set to it default value.

≑≑≑ Example(s) ≑≑≑

julia> bf1 = genBasisFunc([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], ([2.0, 1.0], [0.1, 0.2]));

julia> gaussCoeffOf(bf1)
2Γ—2 Matrix{Float64}:
 2.0  0.1
 1.0  0.2

julia> bf2 = bf1 * 2;

julia> gaussCoeffOf(bf2)
2Γ—2 Matrix{Float64}:
 2.0  0.2
 1.0  0.4

julia> bf3 = bf1 * bf2;

julia> gaussCoeffOf(bf3)
3Γ—2 Matrix{Float64}:
 4.0  0.02
 3.0  0.08
 2.0  0.08
Quiqbox.mul β€” Method
mul(gf::GaussFunc{T}, coeff::Real; roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T} -> 

mul(coeff::Real, gf::GaussFunc{T}; roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T} -> 

mul(gf1::GaussFunc{T}, gf2::GaussFunc{T}; roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T} -> 

Multiplication between a Real number and a GaussFunc or two GaussFuncs. roundAtol specifies the absolute approximation tolerance of comparing parameters stored in each GaussFunc to determine whether they are treated as "equal"; each parameter in the returned GaussFunc is set to the nearest exact multiple of 0.5atol. When roundAtol is set to NaN, there will be no approximation nor rounding. This function can be called using * syntax with the keyword argument set to it default value.

NOTE: For the ParamBox (stored in the input arguments) that are marked as non-differentiable, they will be fused together if possible to generate new ParamBox(s) no longer linked to the data (input variable) stored in them.

≑≑≑ Example(s) ≑≑≑

julia> gf1 = GaussFunc(3.0, 1.0)
GaussFunc{Float64, …}{0, 0}[βˆ‚βˆ‚][{3.0, 1.0}]

julia> gf1 * 2
GaussFunc{Float64, …}{0, 0}[βˆ‚βˆ‚][{3.0, 2.0}]

julia> gf1 * gf1
GaussFunc{Float64, …}{0, 0}[βˆ‚βˆ‚][{6.0, 1.0}]

julia> gf1 * 2 * gf1
GaussFunc{Float64, …}{0, 0}[βˆ‚βˆ‚][{6.0, 2.0}]
Quiqbox.normalizeBasis β€” Method
normalizeBasis(b::BasisFuncs{T, D}) where {T, D} -> Vector{<:FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}

Normalize each BasisFunc inside b and try to merge them back to one BasisFuncs. If the all the BasisFunc(s) can be merged, the returned result will be a 1-element Vector.

Quiqbox.normalizeBasis β€” Method
normalizeBasis(b::GTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}) where {T, D} -> GTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}

Multiply the contraction coefficient(s) inside b by constant coefficient(s) to normalizeBasis the b, and then return the normalized basis.

Quiqbox.orbitalNumOf β€” Function
orbitalNumOf(subshell::Union{String, Symbol}, D::Integer=3) -> Int

Return the size (number of orbitals) of each subshell in D dimensional real space.

Quiqbox.shift β€” Method
shift(bf::FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 𝑙, GN, PT, 1}, 
      dl::Union{Vector{Int}, NTuple{D, Int}, LTuple{D}}, op::Function=+) where 
     {T, D, 𝑙, GN, PT} -> 
BasisFunc{T, D, <:Any, GN, PT}

Shift (+ as the default binary operator op) the angular momentum (in Cartesian representation) of the input FloatingGTBasisFuncs given dl that specifies the change of each component.

Quiqbox.sortBasis β€” Method
sortBasis(bs::Union{AbstractArray{<:CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}, 
                    Tuple{Vararg{CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}}; 
          roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 
Vector{<:CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}

Sort basis functions. roundAtol specifies the absolute approximation tolerance of comparing parameters stored in each CompositeGTBasisFuncs to determine whether they are treated as "equal"; when set to NaN, no approximation will be made during the comparison.

Quiqbox.sortBasis β€” Method
sortBasis(b::GTBasis{T, D}; roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 
GTBasis{T, D}

Reconstruct a GTBasis by sorting the GTBasisFuncs stored in the input one.

Quiqbox.sortBasis β€” Method
sortBasis(bs::Tuple{Vararg{CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}; 
          roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 
Tuple{Vararg{CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}
Quiqbox.sortBasisFuncs β€” Method
sortBasisFuncs(bs::AbstractArray{<:FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}, 
               groupCenters::Bool=false; roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 

Sort FloatingGTBasisFuncs. If groupCenters = true, Then the function will return an Vector{<:Vector{<:FloatingGTBasisFuncs}} in which the elements are grouped basis functions with same center coordinates. roundAtol specifies the absolute approximation tolerance of comparing the center coordinates to determine whether they are treated as "equal"; when set to NaN, no approximation will be made during the comparison.

Quiqbox.sortBasisFuncs β€” Method
sortBasisFuncs(bs::Tuple{FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}, 
                         Vararg{FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}, 
               roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 
Quiqbox.sortPermBasis β€” Method
sortPermBasis(bs::AbstractArray{<:CompositeGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}; 
              roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 

Return a Vector of indices I such that bs[I] ==sortBasis (bs; roundAtol)[I].

Quiqbox.sortPermBasisFuncs β€” Method
sortPermBasisFuncs(bs::Union{AbstractArray{<:FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}, 
                             Tuple{FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}, 
                                   Vararg{FloatingGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}}; 
                   roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D} -> 

Return a Vector of indices I such that bs[I] ==sortBasisFuncs (bs; roundAtol)[I].

Quiqbox.subshellOf β€” Method
subshellOf(::FloatingGTBasisFuncs) -> String

Return the corresponding subshell of the input FloatingGTBasisFuncs.

Quiqbox.unpackBasis β€” Method
unpackBasis(b::GTBasisFuncs{T, D}) -> Vector{<:BasisFunc{T, D}}

Unpack b to return all the BasisFunc inside it.

Quiqbox.runHF β€” Method
runHF(bs, nuc, nucCoords, config=HFconfig(), N=getCharge(nuc); 
      printInfo=true, infoLevel=2) -> 

runHF(bs, nuc, nucCoords, N=getCharge(nuc), config=HFconfig(); 
      printInfo=true, infoLevel=2) -> 

Main function to run a Hartree–Fock method in Quiqbox. The returned result and relevant information is stored in a HFfinalVars.

runHFcore(args...; printInfo=false, infoLevel=2) -> 
Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{HFtempVars}}, Bool}

The core function of runHF that accept the same positional arguments as runHF, except it returns the data (HFtempVars) collected during the iteration and the boolean result of whether the SCF procedure is converged.

≑≑≑ Positional argument(s) ≑≑≑

bs::Union{ BasisSetData{T, D}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}, Tuple{Vararg{AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}} } where {T, D}: The basis set used for the Hartree–Fock approximation.

nuc::Union{ Tuple{String, Vararg{String, NNMO}} where NNMO, AbstractVector{String} }: The nuclei in the studied system.

nucCoords::Union{AbstractArray{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, 1}, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, Vararg{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:T}}, Tuple{TL, Vararg{TL, NNMO}} where TL<:(AbstractVector{<:T})} where {T, D, NNMO}: The coordinates of corresponding nuclei.

config::HFconfig: The Configuration of selected Hartree–Fock method. For more information please refer to HFconfig.

N::Union{Int, Tuple{Int}, NTuple{2, Int}}: Total number of electrons, or the number(s) of electrons with same spin configurations(s). NOTE: N::NTuple{2, Int} is only supported by unrestricted Hartree–Fock (UHF).

≑≑≑ Keyword argument(s) ≑≑≑

printInfo::Bool: Whether print out the information of iteration steps and result.

infoLevel::Int: Printed info's level of details when printInfo=true. The higher (the absolute value of) it is, more intermediate steps will be printed. Once infoLevel achieve 5, every step will be printed.

Quiqbox.runHFcore β€” Method
runHFcore(HTtype, scfConfig, Ns, Hcore, HeeI, S, X, C0, maxStep, earlyStop, saveTrace, 
          printInfo=false, infoLevel=2) -> 
Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{HFtempVars}}, Bool}

Another method of runHFcore that has the same return value, but takes more underlying data as arguments.

=== Positional argument(s) ===

HTtype::Val{HFT} where HFT: Hartree–Fock method type. Available values of HFT are :RHF, :UHF.

scfConfig::SCFconfig: The SCF iteration configuration.

Ns::NTuple{HFTS, Int} where HFTS: The numbers of electrons with same spin configurations.

Hcore::AbstractMatrix{T} where T: The core Hamiltonian of the electronic Hamiltonian.

HeeI::AbstractArray{T, 4} where T: The electron-electron interaction tensor (in the chemists' notation) which includes both the Coulomb interactions and the Exchange Correlations.

S::AbstractMatrix{T} where T: The overlap matrix of the used basis set.

X::AbstractMatrix{T} where T: The transformation matrix of S.

C0::NTuple{HFTS, AbstractMatrix{T}} where {HFTS, T}: Initial guess of the coefficient matrix(s) of the canonical spin-orbitals.

maxStep::Int: Maximum iteration steps allowed regardless if the iteration converges.

earlyStop::Bool: Whether automatically terminate (or skip) a convergence method early when its performance becomes unstable or poor.

saveTrace::NTuple{4, Bool}: Determine whether saving (by pushing) the intermediate information from all the iterations steps to the output HFtempVars of runHFcore. Its definition is the same as the field .saveTrace inside a HFconfig.

printInfo::Bool: Whether print out the information of iteration steps and result.

infoLevel::Int: Printed info's level of details when printInfo=true. The higher (the absolute value of) it is, more intermediate steps and other information will be printed. Once infoLevel achieve 5, every step and all available information will be printed.

Quiqbox.gradOfHFenergy β€” Method
gradOfHFenergy(par, basis, C, nuc, nucCoords, N=getCharge(nuc)) -> AbstractVector

gradOfHFenergy(par, bs, C, nuc, nucCoords, N=getCharge(nuc)) -> AbstractVector

Two methods of gradOfHFenergy.

≑≑≑ Positional argument(s) ≑≑≑

par::AbstractVector{<:ParamBox}: The parameters for differentiation.

basis::GTBasis{T, D} where {T, D}: Basis set information.

C::NTuple{<:Any, AbstractMatrix{T}} where T: The coefficient matrix(s) of the canonical orbitals with respect to the selected basis set.

nuc::Union{ Tuple{String, Vararg{String, NNMO}} where NNMO, AbstractVector{String} }: The nuclei in the studied system.

nucCoords::Union{AbstractArray{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, 1}, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, Vararg{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:T}}, Tuple{TL, Vararg{TL, NNMO}} where TL<:(AbstractVector{<:T})} where {T, D, NNMO}: The coordinates of corresponding nuclei.

N::Union{Int, Tuple{Int}, NTuple{2, Int}}: Total number of electrons, or the number(s) of electrons with same spin configurations(s).

bs::Union{ NTuple{BN, GTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}}, AbstractVector{<:GTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}} } where {T, D}: A collection of basis functions.

NOTE: If any of these two methods is applied, the user needs to make sure the row orders as well as the colum orders of C are consistent with the element order of bs (basis.basis). ``

Quiqbox.gridCoordOf β€” Method
gridCoordOf(gb::GridBox{T}) where {T} -> Tuple{Vararg{Vector{T}}}

Return the coordinates of the grid points stored in gb.

Quiqbox.optimizeParams! β€” Method
optimizeParams!(pbs, bs, nuc, nucCoords, 
                config=POconfig(), N=getCharge(nuc); 
                printInfo=true, infoLevel=1) -> 

optimizeParams!(pbs, bs, nuc, nucCoords, 
                N=getCharge(nuc), config=POconfig(); 
                printInfo=true, infoLevel=1) -> 

The main function to optimize the parameters of a given basis set. It returns a Vector of the relevant information. The first element is the indicator of whether the optimization is converged if the convergence detection is on (i.e., config.threshold is not NaN), or else it's set to missing. More elements may be pushed to the returned result in order depending on config.method.

=== Positional argument(s) ===

pbs::AbstractVector{<:ParamBox{T}}: The parameters to be optimized that are extracted from the basis set. If the parameter is marked as "differentiable", the value of its input variable will be optimized.

bs::AbstractVector{<:GTBasisFuncs{T, D}}: The basis set to be optimized.

nuc::Union{ Tuple{String, Vararg{String, NNMO}} where NNMO, AbstractVector{String} }: The nuclei in the studied system.

nucCoords::Union{AbstractArray{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, 1}, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, Vararg{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:T}}, Tuple{TL, Vararg{TL, NNMO}} where TL<:(AbstractVector{<:T})} where {T, D, NNMO}: The coordinates of corresponding nuclei.

config::POconfig: The Configuration of selected parameter optimization method. For more information please refer to POconfig.

N::Union{Int, Tuple{Int}, NTuple{2, Int}}: Total number of electrons, or the number(s) of electrons with same spin configurations(s).

=== Keyword argument(s) ===

printInfo::Bool: Whether print out the information of iteration steps.

infoLevel::Int: Printed info's level of details when printInfo=true. The higher (the absolute value of) it is, more intermediate steps and other information will be printed. Once infoLevel achieve 5, every step and all available information will be printed.

Quiqbox.changeHbasis β€” Method
changeHbasis(HFres::HFfinalVars) -> NTuple{2, Any}

Return the one-body and two-body integrals on the basis of the canonical orbitals using the result of a Hartree–Fock method HFres.

Quiqbox.changeHbasis β€” Method
changeHbasis(b::GTBasis{T, D}, 
             nuc::Tuple{String, Vararg{String, NNMO}}, 
             nucCoords::Tuple{NTuple{D, T}, Vararg{NTuple{D, T}, NNMO}}, 
             C::Union{AbstractMatrix{T}, NTuple{2, AbstractMatrix{T}}}) where 
            {T, D, NNMO} -> 
NTuple{2, Any}

Return the one-body and two-body integrals after a change of basis based on the input C, given the basis set information b. The type of each element in the returned Tuple is consistent with the cases where the first argument of changeHbasis is an AbstractArray.

Quiqbox.changeHbasis β€” Method
changeHbasis(twoBodyInt::AbstractArray{T, 4}, 
             C1::AbstractMatrix{T}, C2::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T} -> 
AbstractArray{T, 4}

Change the basis of the input two-body integrals twoBodyInt based on two orbital coefficient matrices C1 and C2 for different spin configurations (e.g., the unrestricted case). The output is a 3-element Tuple of which the first 2 elements are the spatial integrals of each spin configurations respectively, while the last element is the Coulomb interactions between orbitals with different spins.

Quiqbox.changeHbasis β€” Method
changeHbasis(DbodyInt::AbstractArray{T, D}, C::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T} -> 
AbstractArray{T, D}

Change the basis of the input one-body / two-body integrals DbodyInt based on the orbital coefficient matrix C.

Quiqbox.genCanOrbitals β€” Method
genCanOrbitals(fVars::HFfinalVars{T, D, <:Any, NN}; 
               roundAtol::Real=getAtolVal(T)) where {T, D, NN} -> 
NTuple{2, Vector{CanOrbital{T, D, NN}}}

Generate the occupied and unoccupied canonical orbitals from the result of a Hartree–Fock approximation fVars. Each parameter stored in the constructed CanOrbital will be rounded to the nearest multiple of roundAtol; when roundAtol is set to NaN, no rounding will be performed.

Quiqbox.nnRepulsions β€” Method
nnRepulsions(nuc::Union{Tuple{String, Vararg{String, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{String}}, 
             nucCoords::Union{AbstractArray{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, 1}, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, Vararg{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:T}}, Tuple{TL, Vararg{TL, NNMO}} where TL<:(AbstractVector{<:T})}) where {NNMO, D, T} -> 

Return the nuclear repulsion energy given nuclei nuc and their coordinates nucCoords.

Quiqbox.coreH β€” Method
coreH(bs::Union{GTBasis, Tuple{Vararg{AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}, 
                AbstractVector{<:AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}, 
      nuc::Union{Tuple{String, Vararg{String, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{String}}, 
      nucCoords::Union{AbstractArray{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, 1}, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, Vararg{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:T}}, Tuple{TL, Vararg{TL, NNMO}} where TL<:(AbstractVector{<:T})}) where {T, D, NNMO} -> 

Return the core Hamiltonian given a basis set and the corresponding nuclei with their coordinates (in atomic units).

Quiqbox.coreHij β€” Method
coreHij(bf1::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}, bf2::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}, 
        nuc::Union{Tuple{String, Vararg{String, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{String}}, 
        nucCoords::Union{AbstractArray{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, 1}, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, Vararg{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:T}}, Tuple{TL, Vararg{TL, NNMO}} where TL<:(AbstractVector{<:T})}) where {T, D, NNMO} -> 

Return a matrix element of the core Hamiltonian given two basis functions.

Quiqbox.eKinetic β€” Method
eKinetic(bf1::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}, bf2::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}) where 
        {T, D} -> 

Return the electron kinetic energy between two basis functions.

Quiqbox.eKinetics β€” Method
eKinetics(bs::Union{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}, 
                    AbstractVector{<:AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}) where {T, D} -> 

Return the electron kinetic energy matrix given a basis set.

Quiqbox.neAttraction β€” Method
neAttraction(bf1::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}, bf2::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}, 
             nuc::Union{Tuple{String, Vararg{String, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{String}}, 
             nucCoords::Union{AbstractArray{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, 1}, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, Vararg{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:T}}, Tuple{TL, Vararg{TL, NNMO}} where TL<:(AbstractVector{<:T})}) where {T, D, NNMO} -> 

Return the nuclear attraction between two basis functions, provided with the nuclei and their coordinates (in the atomic units).

Quiqbox.neAttractions β€” Method
neAttractions(bs::Union{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}, 
                        AbstractVector{<:AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}, 
              nuc::Union{Tuple{String, Vararg{String, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{String}}, 
              nucCoords::Union{AbstractArray{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, 1}, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, Vararg{Tuple{Vararg{T, D}}, NNMO}}, AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:T}}, Tuple{TL, Vararg{TL, NNMO}} where TL<:(AbstractVector{<:T})}) where {T, D, NNMO} -> 

Return the nuclear attraction matrix given a basis set and the corresponding nuclei with their coordinates (in atomic units).

Quiqbox.overlap β€” Method
overlap(bf1::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}, bf2::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}) where 
       {T, D, 1} -> 

Return the orbital overlap between two basis functions.

Quiqbox.overlaps β€” Method
overlaps(bs::Union{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}, 
                   AbstractVector{<:AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}) where {T, D} -> 

Return the orbital overlap matrix given a basis set.

Quiqbox.eeInteraction β€” Method
eeInteraction(bf1::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}, 
              bf2::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}, 
              bf3::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}, 
              bf4::AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D, 1}) where {T, D} -> 

Return an electron-electron interaction tensor element given four basis functions (ordered in the chemists' notation).

Quiqbox.eeInteractions β€” Method
eeInteractions(bs::Union{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}, 
                         AbstractVector{<:AbstractGTBasisFuncs{T, D}}}) -> 
Array{T, 4}

Return the tensor of electron-electron interactions (in the chemists' notation) given a basis set.

Quiqbox.eeIuniqueIndicesOf β€” Method
eeIuniqueIndicesOf(basisSetSize::Int) -> Vector{Vector{Int}}

Return the unique matrix element indices (in the chemists' notation) of electron-electron interactions given the size of a basis set.
